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PAC to facilitate debate on federalism, secession

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The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) says it will facilitate debate on proposals of a federal government and secession of the Northern Region that some quarters are advancing.

Executive director Robert Phiri said in an interview PAC received proposals on federalism and secession of the North from various stakeholders.

Kabwila: We  engaged PAC
Kabwila: We
engaged PAC

Phiri said Malawi Congress Party (MCP) also made a proposal for federalism months ago and PAC was digesting the proposals before embarking on a debate.

He said some of the proposals emerged as part of the discussions PAC held with political parties and other stakeholders during interface meetings before the May 20elections.

Phiri said: “We have a menu of issues that have come from various stakeholders presented to PAC. However, we have not received any proposal in written form.

“The ideas on federalism have been channeleld to PAC executive committees and trustees. The board has not taken any position,” Phiri said.

He said it was only through an inclusive debate that the organisation and Malawians will get a better picture on the matter.

Phiri added: “These are hard issues that need thorough consultation. As PAC, we believe in public dialogue to enhance social cohesion. Perhaps, more debate will be required on some of these issues.

“As an organisation, we will not stifle debate because the destiny of this country is in the hands of Malawians themselves. What can be done is to constructively promote debate on issues of national importance.”

Phiri said PAC booked an appointment with President Peter Mutharika to discuss the issues but the appointment had not yet been granted.

State House press secretary Fredrick Ndala in an interview on Friday said he needed to consult his superiors who were in USA to find out if there was that appointment and how it was handled.

MCP spokesperson Jessie Kabwila confirmed the party engaged PAC on the federal system of government and asked the religious body to facilitate a debate.

Media reports indicate that the secession calls have been championed by People’s Party provincial governor for the North, Mzomera Ngwira, but several traditional leaders in the region have denounced the proposal.

Some legislators even brought the matter in Parliament last week, but were restrained by First Deputy Speaker Esther Mcheka Chilenje from bringing controversial issues in the House unprocedurally.

Meanwhile, the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia has said the push for federalism should be national.

In Africa, federal system of government is practised in some countries including South Africa and Nigeria.

The term federalism is used to describe a system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units such as states or provinces, while secession refers to an act of an area or group becoming independent from the country or the larger group that it belongs to.

President Mutharika has been dismissing such calls as unnecessary at his political rallies.


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  1. Calls for a federal govt should not be mixed up with calls for succession for the northern region.
    Some people in the north have suggested succession of the northern region as a last resort if calls for a federal govt are not heeded to by the current DPP govt.

    The idea to have a federal govt in Malawi is a brilliant one and should be encouraged. Federalism would expedite development in the three regions of Malawi because each region would be working hard to attract investors in their territory to generate more funds to run their territory.

    For those who don’t know how a federal govt works let me give you just one bad example of a centralised govt like the one we have now. We all know that when it comes to forex in our country it is the central region that contributes more than any other region because of tobacco farming which is the main cash crop in Malawi. Now, if the central region brings more forex into our country it would also mean that the central region by default contributes more to the govt pulse in form of taxes that help to run our country. Now here is a question for you, is it fair that development meant for the central region after being approved by parliament i.e. the University of Science & Technology, to be moved to Ndata farm by a certain individual without even seeking the approval of parliament? Your answer is good as mine and that is why you need a federal govt because development in each region should be in tandem with how much funds & resources that particular region is capable of generating.

    No region should develop on the back of another region that is what is called unfairness and this kind of unfairness has been going on in Malawi for a very long time since we became a multiparty democracy and its about time it stops.

    While some regions in Malawi are busy generating more forex for our country other regions are busy over populating our country so that they can win every general election, thanks to politics of regionalism. It is therefore a sin that a region that is spending much of its time and energy on creating more babies should use the resources generated in the other regions to develop their territory.

  2. These discussion are important for the country but we must get our basic facts right. Firstly the right word is “cessation” and not succession nor sessasion as used by the various commentators in the media. All well meaning Malawian must say no to cessation. Just because Malawi democracy has not worked well does not mean we must cut ourselves up. We are one nation and we must learn to govern in love for the benefit of all Malawians. As a rule of Thumb anyone who ascends to the highest office of the land by default becomes a guardian of all Malawians and its resources. Political indifference is a hallmark of the democratic process. Political revenge is amateurish.
    The argument for federalism is for all practical purpose a sound one although in my opnion is not what Malawi needs to develop. Federalism provides a bottom up approach of developing grass root plans based on local priorities that can roll up to federal plans. There is nothing untowards about such a federal system approach. System of local government has failed in Malawi. Oppression of one tribe or region over another is totally unacceptable. No one understands issues facing Nsanje than local Nsanje people, the same goes for Salima, Dowa, Chitipa or Nkhatabay etc. So Jessie and all calling for federalism must be listened too carefully. However, do not use these issue to reinforce inter-regional hatred in Malawi but instead foster love amongst our people. An even bigger elephant in the room is the fact that Malawi still will not be developed. Breaking into federal caves is just for the political power hungry who want to rule. Poverty will remain…the only lasting solution that will benefit all our people together Nsanje to Chitipa is to industrialise whole Malawi right here right now!!! Industrial revolution now!

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